Thursday, June 18, 2009

H1N1 & Social Responsibility

The H1N1 flu outbreak is currently very widespread and the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared it as a pandemic. It is a concern because this has cause many deaths in Mexico, however, elsewhere the deaths due to the flu is not much different from other flu. The world is interconnected due to commercial flights. The spread can be very rapid measures have to be taken. The Singapore government is concerned as Singapore is a major trading hub and if the flu outbreak becomes serious, this would drive foreign investors away. Hence, the government are taking serious measures such as advising the citizens. However, I feel that we all have to take upon ourselves to be socially responsible and take the necessary steps to prevent the spread of H1N1 virus. For example, one should not go to countries which are affected with H1N1 virus. If one is not feeling well, he should not go to crowded places. I feel that people should not be socially responsible during an outbreak but instead, at all times. In this way Singapore would be a safer place for every one to live in.

The part I like the most Village by the Sea

The part which I like the most in the novel, Village by the sea, is the ending. It shows how Hari returned form Bombay and celebrates Diwali together with his family. The story had a happy ending. Hari brought back some money from Bombay and even planned to set up a poultry farm in Thul. His father also stopped drinking. He then went to Alibagh to fetch his mother who recovered and was discharged from the hospital while his sisters prepared for Diwali. On Hindu New Year's Day, Hari visited the sahib who likes to study birds. When Hari learnt that he fell into a creek and his watch was not working, he put his watch mending skills into use and mended the Sahib's watch. He told Hari that he had to adapt in order to survive. The story ended with Hari seeing his mother scattering flowers onto the three rocks that stood in the sea.

I rather be a city rat than a country rat

I disagree with this statement because I feel that the city rat's life is filled with danger unlike that of the country rat's. In the story The City Mouse and the Country Mouse, the city mouse brought the country mouse to the town he lived in and entered a house to search for food. However, while they were eating, the owner of the house returned and the two mice had no choice but to run. In the end the country mouse returned to his home in the country which was free from danger. In our modern city living, life appears to be very good because our material needs can easily be satisfied such as good jobs, good food, housing and medical care. However, the satisfaction of our material needs has resulted in hidden dangers. Building of more factories, building, roads, and etc causes significant amount of pollution. The stress level in city living is also very high be it at work, school and play due to competition and congestion. The high availability of 'good' food in the city leads to unhealthy diet. Convenience in terms of transportation and home entertainment also cause people to have a sedentary lifestyle. Crime in the city is also higher. All these pose a great amount of danger to our health and life. On the other hand, the food the country may be bland but at least it s healthy, the air is fresh, the stress level is low, crime level is lower, and without modern conveniences, people would be forced to lead a more active lifestyle. Hence life in the country is certainly healthier, happier and more peaceful. Therefore, in my opinion, I would rather be a country rat because I feel that, better beans and bacon in peace than cakes and ale in fear.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

My favourite character in "Village by the sea"

My favorite character in the story Village by the Sea is Hari. Hari is a very hardworking and responsible person. This could be seen when Hari's father was permanently drunk and his mother became ill, he took over the responsibility of providing for his family. Hari and his sister had to take care of the family. As he knew that working in the fields and bringing down coconuts to sell was not enough, Hari was on a constant lookout for better job to improve himself. For example, when he heard that a factory was going to be built, he thought about getting a job there. When he heard that there were job opportunities in Bombay, he decided to go there to look for a better job. He was always willing to learn more and even learnt how to mend watches from Mr Panwallah when he was at Bombay. Hari also had entrepreneurship and this could be seen when Hari planned to set up a poultry farm as well as a watch mending shop with the money he earned in Bombay.

Is progress necessarily benificial for society?

I feel that progress could be beneficial as well as harmful. In the novel, Village by the sea, the government decided to build large-scale fertiliser factories in the village of Thul. This would mean more job opportunities for the people and hence an increase in income level. People from other parts of the country would also be attracted to the region because of the job opportunities leading to an increase in population. Amenities such as schools, hospitals and other services would have to be built leading to an increase in the standard of living. However, such progress has its flip side. The fertiliser factories would cause serious pollution of the sea at Thul and fishermen would be deprived of their livelihoods as the marine life would be destroyed. Furthermore, pollution of the beautiful beach would deprive the local population of a major recreation area leading to a lower quality of life. Such progress may not result in equal opportunities as the boys in the village would not be able to get jobs because they are poorly educated and would lose out to educated people from the cities. The villagers would also lose out in terms of giving up their land to built the factories that would result in much discontent. I feel that progress in society is inevitable and is generally beneficial. On the other hand, I feel that such progress should be managed so that our environment is not damaged and there must be equal opportunities for all.